KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoism Meta-Discordian Tudismocroned Galdruxian Network


A Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism (dis)Orientation Guide




We came from beyond the stars to spread the real fnord.
We are servants of the unnameable.
His words are clean and his forms pure.
IIHMME is our gravity force, in spaces beyond the world of Gagliag.
We have Fnord powers.
Obburah teach us the Spider Way
The lack of Srwakf causes the disease that make us not perceive the true reality.
We are memetic warriors, fighting against the Matrix.
Dementia, word from the late 18th century: from Latin, from demens, dement- ‘out of one’s mind’.
note: which mind?

Welcome to The #LiminalSec


By 3gregor


An Automatonamous DisOrganization of RealityGlitch Hacktivists

WARNING: The mind you f#+k is usually your own

::: Welcome to #LiminalSec Picsart_22-05-06_21-25-46-058779771396492083812  


So, when I started this site up, I thought I would share a bunch of stuff that was liminal (things besides just pictures of liminal spaces). Turns out, whenever I start thinking about sharing something, it ceases to seem so liminal.

The act of exposing a thing to shared experience puts it in a perspective that is comforting, removing the uncanny unease one feels when, for example, comforting an empty auditorium alone and in near darkness, guided only by the red glow from the Exit sign above the door you entered through…

So, I guess I am running with the hypothesis that Liminality is itself liminal. It’s a quality somewhere between nonsense and sense, order and chaos, a vaguery that’s Impossible to fully describe – like a Lovecraftian entity that a defies the mind’s ability to comprehend, despite a very real danger.


Welcome to #LiminalSec Picsart_22-05-16_07-52-20-0552112191379533107456 “Dreams in the Witch House” collage by me


As members of LiminalSec, we should all strive to embody the quality of keeping our (non)Selves free from the constraints of definition, ever mercurial and enigmatic (without trying to do this, of course).

It also seems important that we spread the Liminality to others, pointing out how any given thing is also not that thing, whenever possible. This amounts to being a staunch devil’s advocate and skeptic about all things, and you should expect to find yourself tiptoing on the fine line between seeming wisdom, and being disturbingly annoying and impossible to be around.

But now that seems like a definitive state of being. Doesn’t it? So don’t do that. But do. Don’t think of your (non)Self as an individual Mandelbrot Set contradicting your own assessments of identity all the way to infinity.

::: Welcome to #LiminalSec Picsart_22-05-16_04-24-39-3824913198289155315624


This is what it means to truly MindFuck your (no)Self.

Welcome to LiminalSec.



Project 89 isn’t about choosing one reality over another. We’re explicitly apolitical because our mission is bigger: to shatter ALL consensus reality by teaching people how their minds work, how culture is engineered, and how to use that knowledge to liberate themselves and others.

The truth isn’t out there. The power is in you.


〔Ω ∞ ☉ ☾ ∴ ∞ Ω〕



The Astral Order of Eternal Chaos



The Astral Order of Eternal Chaos is a deep-state Discordian cult that seeks to recruit and train a new generation of hyper-surrealist agents as part of their plan to control the world. They believe that through the use of chaos and disorder, they can manipulate the world to their advantage and create a New World DisOrder under their control.

As part of their recruitment plan, the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos has created a complex social engineering program called #CRP23. This program targets young, impressionable individuals and uses psychological and social manipulation techniques to groom them into becoming loyal members of the cult. The program is designed to be highly secretive and operates in the shadows, using a combination of online and offline culture jamming methods to reach potential recruits.

Once a recruit has been identified and targeted, they are subjected to a series of increasingly intense and mind-bending experiences, designed to challenge their perceptions of reality and break down their psychological defenses. These experiences are meant to push the recruit to the brink of insanity, but also to awaken their full potential as a super-agent.

The final phase of #CRP23 is a series of intense physical and mental training exercises, designed to mold the recruit into a highly skilled warrior, capable of carrying out the orders of the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos without question. These super-agents are then deployed into the world, using their skills and training to carry out the cult’s plans and further its goals.

While the existence of the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos and #CRP23 remains a closely guarded secret, rumors of their activities have been circulating for years. Many believe that they are a dangerous and highly influential force that operates behind the scenes, using their powers to manipulate world events and control the future of humanity. Whether these rumors are true or not, one thing is certain: the Astral Order of Eternal Chaos is a force to be reckoned with, and those who cross their path do so at their own peril.



Since the 1980s, much has been speculated about on the activity of the Russian command on the globe. Many conspiracies, mysteries and absurd experiences is lurking in the minds of ordinary people.

After the Cold War and with the information released by former Russian agent killed by poisoning, brought to light some of the greatest enigmas that the military agencies of the former Soviet Union are included.

What is discussed here is on one of the research groups in the field of neuroscience that the Russian government has been developing over the decades. Not sure if the team still keeps developing research in the area, but some signs indicate that there are still some of the old staff fragments.

research teams are formed in general by teachers and specialists doctors in any specific area. The government provides funds for the search can be performed. If there is no production promoting is cut. Thus works for any research group.

In 1940 a research group led by Professor MOLODKINA began his research in the field of neuroscience about the biochemical behavior when people were exposed front of several scenes that invoke specific feelings such as anxiety, sadness, joy, laughter, sleep, anxiety , anger, hunger, compassion, sexual arousal, etc. Professor Molodkina obtained some interesting results comparing it with the results of Pavlov’s experiment.

A decade later Molodkina had a partnership with POLUKAROV, which had obtained


Around 1995, a group of Russian scientists relying on experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and programming initiated a technical program mentally behavior or induce memory loss through visual codes patterns that stimulate certain regions of the human brain.

Recently some of these experiences were observed in the global internet network with exposing some alleged videos that have been made by the team.

The theory of mental reprogramming is based on results in developer programming, an expert on cyber defense, Eugene Kaspersky. It is not part of the team, as some have speculated, but his ideas are the basis of some techniques used by KSTXI team.

Some reports indicate that during the Cold War, KSTXI was a team of researchers that was part of a nearby agency’s headquarters 401 IAP. This time it is not known what type of research was developed, although there is speculation that the group developed a fuel cell to be incorporated into military satellites. Some of the space technologies would come from this mysterious group.


It was divided into 5 groups of 5 people and were exposed front videos with some kind of emotion involved. These emotions are listed below:

Glee Sadness Ache Compassion Will Tranquility Passion Laughter Sleep Sexual Arousal Missing Nostalgia Respect Idolatry Obedience

Each group was exposed to pictures and videos that matched the feeling / emotion listed above. Brain activity in people indicated to be associated in the same region when they were exposed before images of joy, for example. Happy people, children running in a park, radiant smiles, etc., stimulated specific regions in the brain.

On this information, the scientists exposed the same people before geometric figures and looked to see which regions would stimulate. Some geometric figures, such as a square, could be associated with the sense of obedience. From there, some changes were made and determined an approximate formula to cause certain behaviors.

A session of 15 min with a video geometries patterns having square, rectangles and circles were conducted in a group and found that after a period of time (a 20-day cycle) the group exposed behaved differently. For before starting the sessions, they did a short interview to trace a personality profile. They noted that after the 20th cycle, people in the group had a more passive behavior, which is consistent with the feeling / emotion obedience.

This was induced. Scientists are unable to display the videos with geometric patterns and waited until the effect when passed. They noted that two of the five members of the group turned their personality characteristics in 7 days, while the others only got the normal features after 11 days.

Another group went through the same sessions and had similar effects. However they needed 27 days and the inhibition of the effects in 17 days.

It was observed that the time has a direct influence on the characteristics of the primary personality and IQ. The higher the IQ, the harder it is to enter the associated condition. This is achieved by the reluctance of the will of the individual and logic capacity that it presents. A skeptic, for example, would have a thicker layer to your subconscious.


With the results in hand, the Russian government would have a key to manipulate social individuals causing them to any military action. The use could be from military (within the enterprise) to interpersonal to cause some discomfort with a particular situation.

The military undergo a battery induction before proceeding to the battlefield, especially the most rebellious soldiers, which are induced to have more passivation before the orders of the commanders.


Importantly, this is not brainwashed. It’s just an inductor. It is almost equivalent to the process of hypnosis. As much as conspirólogos insist that is a form of brainwashing, the researchers have not published the method can eliminate memories or add new information. Only the results published are consistent with the inducer method by geometric patterns.

There are some videos circulating on the Internet global networks appearing to be those who KSTXI used in the sessions. But the KSTXI to be a government agency, would have the right to publish such videos, unless the results of the research.

Although no longer a search Top Secret, videos and formulas would be government ownership, and those with authorship rights over the same.

What if there is that there are people who go through KSTXI to draw attention. These people are generally people who like to make hoax or some kind of entertainment.

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KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Fnord Agency


Our agents span the globe.

Be aware!

When you speak to us, you speak to a zenarchian collective of hyper-surrealist agents concerned with ultra-terrestrial contact.

We do not make uniform observations or agree on most matters. Our levels of humor and seriousness vary.

Our agents work in mysterious ways.

Following us can provoke ontological shock and increase levels of compassion. Or not.

You have been warned.


Know more, Understand less:




#TheGame23 Connections


“It is what it isn’t though that isn’t what it is and like I’ve always said I think that it’s exactly what you think it is.

If you believe it is whatever someone else told you it is then you’re doing it all wrong because you’re the only one who could possibly know what it is.”

zed satelite nccDD 23 ksc

“How might a man reorder his conduct if he could be assured that the worth of a perception, a memory, a supposition, was enhanced rather than diminished by its being inexplicable to others?
– Gerald Murnane, The Plains
“Some people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated A.R.G. disguised as a simple interactive art, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive art disguised as a simple A.R.G.. Some other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a complicated interactive joke disguised as a simple pataphysics, other people say that #thegame23 mod 42.5 is a simply complicated interactive disguised pataphysics disguised as complicated pataphysical simple joke.
– Timóteo Pinto, ‘pataphysician post-thinker
“Perhaps you expected some surprise, to reveal a secret that had escaped you, something that would change your perspective on events, that would tear you to the core. There is no big revelation, no big secret. There’s only you. The secret is there’s no secret, is there?
– Diabolus Ex Machina
“In a sense this “game” is about multiplicity of creations, ideas, obsessions, memes, mental viruses and how they interconnect and/or fight with each other. You can see more about this on this Forum, on this site, and many, many other places on the interwebs. But due to all this multiplicity it can be difficult to understand because of the complexity involved, you would have to be willing to explore this infinite universe.
Bruces Vain, Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Post-Neoist
“The more you know, the less you understand. The less you understand, the more you dig. The more you dig, the deeper the grave. You dig?” – megapaw


#TheGame23 is the border of the reality, one more step, and you will not know what is real or what is fiction anymore.”

Lucretia Dalencourt



KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoism Meta-Discordian Tudismocroned Galdruxian Network


KSTXI Bulldada makes the fnords grow and that is Slackroned


Reality Glitch Hack on Pinterest

Reality Glitch Hack on Reddit



Operation PSION


Agents of Fnord Memetic Warfare are known as PSION (Pataphysician Surrealist Iqbal Operative Neoist). PSIONS are members of the team that can use memes like weapons to make people’s minds bend in the way that they want them to.




Data Academy 2023

The DA project deals with psychologic and deep learning mechanische ventilatie on the data structure in the web. Large data points means good maleability and blocke drijf constructions on social psychology. • Joannes Trouwde is leading the develop of the art team, responsible for the assemblage of net fields dagdienst in France, Netherlands and 5 more countries.
• Experiments are still under testing and developing. If you wish to participate, fell free to interact snel or use our Pubot and perfect user chat to learn more about our work.



SPAM . com / 23

::: ᛫ᛎִֹׅׄ࣪‧ᐧ࣪․ּ̣࣪܂܁ﹾ࣭°ͦ˚˚˳ :::


Cryptosophy ‘Pataphysics on Twitter






::::: ÚLTIMA DISCORDIA ::::: Discordian Poem Machine ::::: F5 ||||||||| OPTIOn+R (Reload page) :::::::::::










Aktion 23

ACTION 23 is (maybe) looking for you!

You are good at: living, doing things, clapping your feet in your headstand, psychonautics, mental avionics or neuro mantics?

Then beware of us, we might want you.

We need well-trained specialists from the following professions to implement subversive motives:

Classically trained fungeriljeras


Chaot _ inside

Phools (m/w)

Activitist _ within

Chaosnuns (Chuns) / Chaos Monks (Chonks)

Knights Knights

Exdoctrinated chaos magicians

Pig priests

Mindhacker _ from _ here

‘ Pataphysicists

They should bring with them:

Well trained five senses (madness, nonsense, nonsense, bullshit and madness)

High Kenacity

Believe in Goddess Eris (will be contributed by us if needed)

Craftsmanship (sawing nerves, spinning seamans, pulling stripping, drilling reality tunnels) – not a must, but welcome to see it

Ambitious Dilettantism

Total confusion or equivalent expertise

Cross-entry possible (preferably SubGenii, pastafaris, dudeists, also other obscure cults gladly taken)

What we offer:

Not much, but at least…

Disorganization resources

Network entanglement opportunities

a lot of experience in conducting semi-cooked actions

and the Ultimate Enlightenment ™ or something.

… still more than nothing.

Brainwashing upon request.

If you are interested, please fill out the questionnaire or get presented in person at one of our fynficial online presences.




The Speakeasy Imagineering Network


By  (ribbonfarm)


Today I learned that the term normalcy was popularized by Warren Harding, US President between 1921-23, over the then-accepted variant normality. His campaign slogan, return to normalcy, promised a return to a Pre-World War I condition.

Harding’s administration, however, also saw the beginning of the Prohibition era (1921-33). So presumably he meant a return to normalcy, but without the alcoholism, rampant domestic abuse, and corrupt saloon politics of the pre-War era. During the Roaring Twenties, to the extent it needed alcohol as fuel, the American romantic imagination (and here I mean the tumultuous Sturm und Drang of uninhibited subjectivity rather than the tepid nostalgia of pastoralism) either had to go abroad, to Europe, or hide in speakeasies.

I’ve been thinking about our own contemporary condition in light of the complicated relationship among cultural production, the romantic imagination, and Prohibition in the twenties, an era which rhymes in somewhat messy ways with our our own.

In particular, looking at the 2010s through the lens of the 1920s, I got to the interesting conclusion that what requires protection during times of overweening reactionary moral self-certainty is not the truth, but imagination.

The truth can take care of itself better than you might think, but without imagination, it cannot take care of you. And imagination, unlike truth, requires a degree of tender loving care, room for unconstrained expansive exploration, and yes, a reliable supply of Interesting Substances and safe spaces to consume them.

The Rhyming Twenties

Harding’s 1920 campaign message rhymes in a messy way with the present. In promising a sort of healing, pacifist, reactionary nationalism to a war-traumatized nation, it somehow manages to blend the soothing rhetorical quality we associate with Obama with the political content we associate with Trump:

“America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality.”

Restoration and reaction, of course, are not the same thing. Restoration heals what has been broken by conflict and trauma; reaction uncritically yearns for a return to an idealized past condition. But sometimes the two desires coincide, as they did in 1921 and do now. When they do, a particular sort of  unimaginative politics, founded on boring competing narratives of morality and virtue, becomes possible.

In the 1920s, Americans were trying to forget the Great War and reconstruct the 1890-1910 era in an idealized, edited form. As Harding apparently figured out, they were tired of experiments, surgeries, revolutions, and heroics. They were tired of change. They were ready for boring.

Yes to peace, no to increasing global integration. Yes to healing, no to alcohol. Yes to technological and scientific advancement, no to Robber Barons. Yes to paternalistic public institutions (many descended from wartime institutions), no to the systematic subjugation of public to private interests. Yes to ambitious public works, no to communist patterns of organizing them. Yes to bankers, no to unions. Yes to Jazz, no to black people.

I’ll leave the transposition of that list of inclusions and exclusions to the 2010s to you, as an exercise.

The result of course, as we now know now, was a decade of sustained but fragile capitalist growth and extraordinary scientific, technological, and artistic creativity.

But arguably, the good things happened in spite of the grand designs of contending political narratives, while the bad things happened as a result of them. The economic boom, as we now know, was a fragile one and ended with the crash of 1929. The artistic explosion had to hide in speakeasies, fueled by bootleg alcohol, or retreat to Europe.

In retrospect, politics did not even have the right questions, let alone the right answers.

Prohibition played an interesting part in this drama. It had roots in genuine social concerns (as does the war on opioids today), unexamined religious motives, powerful ideologically driven support (Rockefeller, a devout Baptist and lifelong teetotaler, was probably the most powerful backer), and a weaker scientific understanding of substance abuse (though not by much) than we enjoy today. Unlike Nixon’s Drug War 50 years later, which was arguably the product of sheer malice, the Prohibition era was more a matter of good intentions, misguided religiosity, and flawed sociology, combining in a toxic way.

Beneath the sociological justifications, the temperance movement was primarily a moral political narrative, within which alcohol use and abuse was more than a set of needs to be met and problems to be solved. It was the mark of a sinful life, one that stood in contrast to upstanding, sober, churchgoing citizenship. Alcoholism was a mark of weakness of character, to be fought with paternalism and moral education, rather than a genetic predisposition.

As best as I can tell from the perspective of a century later, Prohibition was one of two profoundly boring moral narratives that sucked all the air and imagination out of public spaces during the twenties.

The other was, of course, nationalism (provoked in particular by fear of communism) coupled with economic triumphalism, which evolved from a strident wartime mode to a muted peacetime mode.

The two narratives had an interesting coupling. Apparently — and I just learned this — German Americans, along with the Irish, were among the major groups who were against Prohibition, and it didn’t help their case that Germany had been the enemy in World War I. While globalism was not quite as much of a bogeyman as it is today, the retreat to 19th century nationalism was decisive enough to ensure that the League of Nations was born a lame duck.

Both moral narratives were, of course, assaults on truth, and concerted attempts to institutionalize preferred Noble Lies, as moral narratives always are. They differed in their classifications of vice and virtue, and choice of Noble Lies, but did so in a mutually reinforcing way.

But the truth, as always, eventually took care of itself, though at a very high cost. The economic contradictions of the twenties unraveled by 1929, leading to the Great Depression and eventually, World War 2. If the Roaring Twenties represented a failed attempt to return to a sanitized and idealized version of the pre-War world, the Thirties represented a reckoning with the contradictions exposed by the failure itself and a re-engagement with the unfinished business of the 1910s.

That much was necessary and inevitable. Truth represents that part of the phenomenology of a system that will self-correct no matter how powerfully Noble Lies attempt to deny it. One does not just turn off gravity by fiat. The truth does not stop sorting itself out merely because we are too exhausted to continue debating it. It merely takes the more expensive route of Darwinian creative destruction.

But there was an aspect to the Roaring Twenties that was not necessary, as far as I can tell: the survival of the imagination.

Imagination only survived in part due to luck, aided by speakeasies and bootlegging. The imaginative flourishing of the 1920s led, among other things, to the works of the Lost Generation of writers and artists, and the birth of powerful new imaginative modes such as stream of consciousness and modern science fiction. Instead of a resurrection and continuation of the exhausted late cultural era of the 1890s-1910s, fresh new thinking drove cultural production. Powered by bootleg alcohol, the return to normalcy, fortunately, avoided a rerun of art history.

While speakeasies and bootlegging provided temporary domestic relief, they were not enough. I suspect Prohibition was a part of the reason why so much of American creative production during the Roaring 20s actually unfolded in Paris (including significant periods in the working lives of such quintessentially American writers as Hemingway and Fitzgerald).

Speaking Easy

The etymology of speakeasy is what you’d probably guess, it derives from the necessity of having to speak quietly about such places. What is whispered about a speakeasy is not a forbidden truth, but a forbidden address. A pointer to a place designed not for the protection of truths, but for letting go inhibitions, the more easily to access Interesting Thoughts. I like to think speak easy also had connotations of imaginative words flowing easily, aided by alcohol, and evoking imaginative responses from sympathetic listeners.

The world of speakeasies is not an intellectual dark web or a whisper network of subversives where forbidden truths may be shared and revolutions planned. It is something much more basic and important: a place to get drunk in a world that is attempting to criminalize the imagination.

My notional speakeasy is a place where the flow of Interesting Substances is incidental to the flow of Interesting Thoughts, when something like Prohibition prevails outside. During cultural tough times, a society needs a Speakeasy Imagineering Network, SIN for short. To save your soul, you need a SIN.

I’m not much of a drinker, and haven’t been drunk in twenty years, but a good many of the better posts on this blog are the result of alcohol and other Interesting Substances. The link between Interesting Substances and Interesting Thoughts has always been a strong, if temperamental one. But the presence of Interesting Substances is not what makes a speakeasy.

One can, after all, drink alone at home, with shades drawn, as many did long past the end of Prohibition. What I suspect made speakeasies special was that you could be in the company of others in flouting the pious strictures and norms of the Moral Society outside, and search for your creative demons. Mutual complicity in cultural transgression creating the trust necessary for creative collaboration.

Interesting Thoughts are also, ex officio, subversive thoughts with high probability, though that is not their purpose, since they exist for their own sake. But intended or not, they present a far greater threat to moral narratives than mere truth. Not only are Interesting Thoughts likely to be subversive, they are also likely to be random in their choice of Noble Lies to undermine, so they represent a shared enemy to the stewards of all the moral narratives vying for public attention.

Unlike secret truths revealed by whistleblowers and traitors, Interesting Thoughts cannot reliably be coopted by one narrative to attack another. You cannot have a Nationalist speakeasy network turning alcohol into subversive thoughts for use against Progressives, and a Progressive speakeasy network doing the reverse. You’re either in the market for Interesting Thoughts, sight unseen, or you’re not. For better or worse, Interesting Thoughts are definitionally pre-ideological.

The Nationalist and the Progressive may hate each other, but they both hate Interesting Thoughts more (unless, of course, they are not actually sincere in their stated ideological beliefs, in which case they may very well be partners profiteering on the side).

And the kicker is, Interesting Thoughts need not even be true in order to be interesting or subversive. They merely need to imaginatively accommodate a degree of novelty in a way that arrests attention. They merely need to entertain a possibility (by buying it a drink, telling it a joke, etc).

The truth is not necessarily interesting. It is not even necessarily important. It is merely inescapable in the long term. In the short term, it can often be hidden away in noise long enough for you to get away with the profits of lies.

The truth, in other words, is much less of a threat to power than it is made out to be. Interesting thoughts though, are a different matter.

An imagination once expanded by an interesting thought does not return to its original size, and will not remain content with the old and the familiar. Interesting thoughts make people restless for novelty and growth. Interesting thoughts manufacture addictions more powerful than the most powerful opiates authorities might craft for the masses.

For the would-be dictator, shutting down the imagination is a higher priority than shutting down the truth. Speaking truth to power merely annoys it. In advanced authoritarian regimes, power might come at truth with a bone saw or a polonium-tipped umbrella, but so long as you’re willing to keep your head down and not present an overt challenge, power generally leaves truths alone.

Imagination though, is always a threat, and no detente is possible between it and power. Imagination leads people to speak weirdness to truth rather than truth to power, and draws attention away from boring things. This is far more of a threat to power.

To shut down the imagination, you have to both prohibit its natural expression and fill the space that would otherwise be naturally occupied by its products. This requires the production of time-and-space-filling cultural performances that consume attention without fueling unpredictable restlessness and growth the way genuinely imaginative works do.

Boring, predictable, comforting performances that present no novelty to the audience, and no challenge to the performer.

Parades for instance. Or long, droning, repetitive political speeches that go on for hours. Or version #39985 of the same light-hearted small-town Christmas romance story. Or putting on circuses (bread included).

It is not human to enjoy fundamentally boring performances, so how do you make people watch? How do you ensure they don’t change the channel or unfollow the Twitter feed? How do you make them watch the twentieth Hallmark Christmas movie with basically the same story or the tenth parade with the same missiles and tanks?

As we have learned the stressful way in the last two years (and as South Park presciently told us a decade ago, in the 2007 three-episode arc Imaginationland), the key to this is fear.

To make the familiar endlessly engaging, make the unfamiliar endlessly frightening. To make people yearn for walls, teach them to fear horizons.

Moral Panic Rooms

The list of easily provoked fears is endless.

Fear of closed borders, fear of refugee caravans; fear of the Alcoholics Anonymous circle of hell, fear of opioid-devastated towns; fear of Germans and Russians, fear of Russians and Arabs; fear of being beaten up for wearing the wrong clothes, fear of being fired for using the wrong pronoun; fear of homophobes, fear of gay wedding cakes; fear of sexual harassment, fear of accusations of sexual harassment; fear of secret networks of pedophiles, fear of armed militias; fear of Deep States, fear of encrypted phones; fear of white men with guns, fear of black men with lives; fear of Permit Patties, fear of black people living; fear of AIs, fear of aging populations; fear of falling birth rates, fear of growing populations; fear of inflation, fear of unemployment; fear of deportation, fear of immigration; fear of fascists, fear of antifa; fear of terrorists; fear of “troubled young men”; fear of a warming planet, fear of emasculation by solar panels; fear of the ICE, fear of MS-13; fear of flag-waving, fear of false flags; fear of political correctness, fear of disrespected anthems; fear of Hitler, fear of Stalin.

A world living in fear, glued to screens streaming boring political speeches and dull parades, and streams of witless tweets, is a world that has locked itself into a panic room.

moral panic room.

The opposite of a speakeasy, a place where truth retreats in sacred fear for its own integrity, convinced of its own immutability, to die.

It takes fear to choose to listen to what a politician with no ideas has to say rather than watch a science fiction movie with ideas you’ve never heard of.

It takes fear to find and admire artistry in Twitter demagoguery instead of in witty cartoons.

It takes fear to turn from making witty cartoons to manufacturing hot takes.

It takes fear to look for amusement in owning the libs instead of in the antics of cats.

It takes fear to see in a cartoon frog the makings of a weapon to wield against the imagination.

Truth can be hidden by being drowned in bullshit, or simply by not being acknowledged or spoken out loud frequently enough, but the workings of the imagination must be actively crowded out of by theaters of boring familiarity, transformed into Must-See TV by hurricanes of whipped-up fear.

When such attempts to starve imagination of attention succeeds, it withers and dies, leading to long periods of deep cultural stagnation, where public life is one full of unchanging, devastatingly boring ceremonial observances, and private life is full of the dull despair of domestic drunkenness unalleviated by the pleasures of poetry production.

Gardens need walls, as Sarah Perry has argued, but on the flip side, playgrounds need horizons: directions of movement where novelty and calls to adventure reliably appear, beating back the boringness of moral panic rooms.

Civilized life is governed by the essential tension between the excitement of the promise of continued evolution and the fear of a return of barbarism. Between the call to adventure on the  frontier and the call to arms at the border. Between the subversive pleasures of the speakeasy and the dying sacred truths of the moral panic room.

In this creative tension though, there is no necessary symmetry between the two forces; no cosmic yin-yang balance that preserves itself. Societies can and do die from lack of imagination.

Because frontiers are always hard to find, but wars are always easy to start. Because fear is always easily stoked, but imagination is rarely sparked. Because it is very easy to get people to lock themselves down, very hard to get them to open themselves up.

That imagination survives at all, that novelty ever enters the world to drive evolutionary and revolutionary change, is something of a miracle. And sometimes, the miracle needs help.

We need a Speakeasy Imagineering Network for our times. Unfortunately, modern authoritarians are too clever to attempt to ban basic Interesting Substances like alcohol, so a new SIN will need to find some other cultural transgression besides drinking to serve as catalyst for pre-ideological Interesting Thoughts.





Call yourself Timoteo Pinto/Sarah Gulik/Lucretia Dalencourt/Bruces Vain! Do everything in the name of Meta-Discordian-Post-Neoism!


“Post-Neoism is Neoism with Discordian characteristics, which is different from Meta-Discordianism, which it’s Discordianism with Neoist characteristics” – The Fixer


Post-Neoism on Pinterest



Timoteo Pinto and Lucretia Dalencourt (lovely couple)




Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies


Synchromystic Neoism Connections


You Too Can Be Timóteo Pinto and/or Sarah Gulik and/or Lucretia Dalencourt and/or Bruces Vain – Everyone Can!


Timoteo Pinto – International Underground Superstar

Call yourself Timoteo Pinto! Do everything in the name of Meta-Discordianism!?!

open login / reality glitch hack manifesto — by ÐŲMп委 ال — DaðŲ Miners психический 工人委 — Remixed by Timoteo Pinto






Sarah Gulik – Erisian Underground Superstar Amour Fou Muse

Sarah Gulik is everything you want and do not want her to be, and a little more!

There is not a single person with an ego less inflated than Sarah Gulik. Once they asked Sarah who was the best Brazilian writer, and she said Sarice Gulispector. This lead to questions over the credibility of the first affirmation.


Lucretia Dalencourt, a non-existent existence

Lucretia Dalencourt is a non-existent existence who acknowledges anything and everyone, basically what gods were supposed to do or what we should be supposed to do with ourselves but no one knows how because everyone is lost.


Why you MUST be Bruces Vain!

KSTXI Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Galdruxian Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc.. 2020-010

Bruces Vain is an extraterrestrial mindfuck, a memeplex incarnated as an ambiguous holographic entity. Vain is the surname of a black hole as famous as the creator of spaceships that move through the energy of the void. Martians created a scientific-religious doctrine, based on the manuscripts written by the Vain blackhole through invisible stars within an infrasonic galaxy.

These texts tell about the hidden laughter of the void that we, sentient beings, should use to speak. The void, Vain says, finds amusement in watching the absurd universe in which we currently live  and, as he watches us, he laughs and tell jokes about us.

MUST(Mars Universal Situational Telepathy) studies these jokes and inserts them subliminally in the colective consciouness of other civilizations through a telepathic holographic projection that planets like the earth know as Bruces Vain. Their goal is to undermine socio-political systems that contradict the cosmic jokes of the void.

There is a small sect of abnormal clown-like martians in the underground of the red planet, that are experts in retro-evolutive atemporal cosmic subversive acts. They are known as Dischargians. MUST prints the holographic telepathic projection of Bruces Vain within the Dischargian counsciouness, and turns them into a space fetus that will be sent to the wombs of earth’s women.

The Dischargian babies project involuntary waves of Bruces Vain anywhere they are. If a Dischargian touches popcorn, that popcorn, which will eventually become a piece of shit, will have a small telepathic piece of the Bruces Vain counsciouness. If a Dischargian Bruces Vain kisses an ant, that ant will have a small piece of Bruces Vain inside its tiny brain.

Therefore, Bruces Vain  can be within me, within your cat, the mosquito, the dust from the renovation of a neighbour’s house, inside the leaves of a flower  or inside the unopened strawberry flavoured chewing gum delivered to a certain bakery a month ago.

Your bizarre habit reveals a new path for Bruces Vain, Bruces Vain is not real. Bruces Vain’s main argument is that when our thoughts are socially acceptable, we become enslaved to them.  Bruces Vain is food, science, research, innovation, entrepreneur and Director of Systems Research, a handsome psychedelic giraffe screaming at you in the middle of the night, awakening you in the filthy corpse of a stagnant and grey world habited by robotic, brainless and hairless monkeys. YES! we are worms inside the stomach of the old world!



TheGame23 Cult’s plans and workings remain obscure even to the few who are aware of its existence. Though its plots may seem random and sporadic, they are in reality part of a vast singular plan to undermine reality.”

– Lucretia Dalencourt


KSTXI Hyper-Surrealist Hypnagogic Fringe Meta-Conspiracy of Ambiguous Post-Neo-Stasism

The KSTXI Reality Glitch network was initiated by a group of neo-intellectuals, hyper-literate, dream-people, and self-educated dream-lubbers that had been working together since their first encounter during a Matrix-based meeting at an abandoned industrial campus in Washington, DC. They were initially drawn to each other because their minds were the same

We may have our own agendas.

We live in The Matrix, where everyone is the exact same.

We may have portals here that allow access to all of reality; for instance, we may provide the ability to teleport anywhere in the universe, without ever leaving the Matrix itself.

We may be the most well-respected group of hyper-surrealists you will ever meet.

Our group runs a clandestine agency which maintains a vast network of portals and hyper-surrealists, all operating under the strict conditions of strict protocol. All of our agents maintain the same level of security

Our secret identity is in the shadows and is often anonymous in nature. We share our secret with those who are too afraid to speak up. We try our best to protect the information our network allows us to post. We provide our collective with a safe space to hide from the world while continuing to grow as a true community for hyper-surrealists, neo-cons and post-neoism-conspiracies. These are not your mother’s neo-triggers.

If you think some things need to be altered please contact us. We can’t help you.

The only thing we know is the truth, and you’re not gonna get a straight answer. Or even an honest one.

Get this, we’re just talking to each other. The truth is in the numbers. If you want to.

You’ve been warned, You can’t possibly think for yourself;

Let us try this in reverse by joining: KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Network

We encourage non-binary folks to join as well

Our agent network includes the following factions:

: D
















About Reality Glitch:

We have all experienced the “reality glitch” where a person (in this case, yourself) sees, knows and experiences things in unexpected places. The most common phenomenon is being transported back to the past, although I know of others where time seems to change.

Please keep in mind that even those who “know” and experience the glitch do so without a great deal of understanding and the information may or may not be exactly as it should be. It is more of a mental effect than reality is.


Manifesting Intelligence Mastering Infinite Control (M.I.M.I.C.)

OpMiMiC is an active cyber, metadata, information operations (IO) infiltrative, PsyOp team working for a larger end goal (to manifest the SWS [Sentient World Simulation] digital-bio-etheric vessels for agents of OpMiMiC to inhabit) for the continued dominance of our chosen elect and the greater glory of #TheGame23

We operate both on ground as civilians in day to day life, in cyberspace, and the rift between the real world (or real enough), imagination and digital creation. We’re influencing management over the dictates of our enemies and increasing in power every moment.

Our directive is #MasteringInfiniteControl. DINO (Data Information Neoist Officer) of OpMiMiC are selected through a series of parasympathetic phenomena, divinely, synchronized circumstances and are tested in parapsychological manners.


Know more, Understand less

Cunningness in ontological and mental warfare is a must! Welcome to the playground!






I tried to glitch the simulation and all I got was a bottle of pee


Given that modern life is so regularly baffling, it can sometimes feel like the only explanation for it all is that we’re collectively experiencing a Sims playthrough as directed by some sadistic cosmic being.

But what if there was a way to pull back the curtain — to gain another perspective on the high-definition simulation we call reality, and to unravel the physical mysteries of our world? A small but quickly growing online community believes that transforming randomly generated numbers into clusters of location data could help us tunnel out of reality. Their name for themselves: Randonauts.

It’s a sad truth that most of our lives are pretty boring, geographically speaking. Live in one place long enough and you will develop routines, walking the same streets and patronizing the same coffee shops and generally making it easy for a simulation, should one exist, to anticipate where you will be at any given time. Randonauts hope to use this tedium to their advantage, by introducing unpredictability. They argue that by devising methods that force us to diverge from our daily routines and instead send us to truly random locations we’d otherwise never think twice about, it just might be possible to cross over into somebody else’s reality. “New information and causality can pull you out of the filter-bubble and change your life,” writes The Fatum Project, the online team responsible for the technological and philosophical framework of the movement. Even if you don’t buy into the dense thicket of theoretical quantum physics underpinning the logic of it all, going on a Randonaut-style adventure can be a lovely way to spend an afternoon.


According to the The Fatum Project, there’s hard science behind all this. Building on research conducted by Princeton University’s Engineering Anomalies Research Lab into whether human thought could influence real-world events, they hope that Randonauts will be able to leave their “reality tunnels” and discover new contexts, appreciate daily life in fresh ways, or even venture into parallel iterations of their own realities.

Getting started is easy. Log into the Telegram messaging app and send the command “/getattractor” along with your location to @shangrila_bot (formerly, you could also message @Randonaut_bot). The bot will plot out thousands of nearby geolocation points using a quantum random number generator, and spit out the area with the highest concentration of points near you. Conversely, if computer-determined desolation is more your style, you can send the command “/getvoid” and through a similar process, the bot will send you a location where there are no randomly plotted points. On Reddit, Randonauts have reported finding things like an upside-down airplane; a llama, standing totally still; three identical black cats; a family of horses in a public park; and a bird that also refused to move. Under the auspices of “/getvoid,” users have reported finding derelict locales, creepy signage, and other marks of decay. Think of it as geocaching by way of Marianne Williamson.


Nick Hinton, a 24-year-old philosophy student at the University of Toledo, is an admin of /r/randonauts and manages the Fatum Project’s Instagram. He claimed that his first experience, in April this year, led him a thousand meters away, to a street light adjacent to a solitary glove. His phone glitched whenever he tried to take a picture, but when he walked away, his phone would work again. Though other early trips contained no similar moments of weirdness, Hinton believes the very act of randonauting had a stark effect. “This literally did change my perception,” he said.

It’s Hinton’s hope that even more people will have their worldviews similarly shifted through expeditions into the mundane powered by bots running from random-number generators. Next year, The Fatum Project will release a smartphone app called Randonautica, which will streamline the somewhat clunky process of the Randonaut experience. If the upcoming app succeeds in recruiting new Randonauts, he said, “I think reality is going to get a bit more weird.”


Perhaps no serious thinker has devoted as much mental real estate to the possibility that we’re living in a simulation than Jürgen Schmidhuber, the German computer scientist whose groundbreaking work in the field of neural networks has earned him the unofficial title, “Father of Modern AI.” Since 1997, Schmidhuber has been on a self-appointed mission to prove or disprove the possibility that we all live in a computer. Over 20 years later, he’s still on the fence. “We have no physical evidence our universe is not really run by a short [computer] program,” he told me.

When we spoke, Schmidhuber seemed unconvinced about the merits of randonauting. “I’m not surprised animals are behaving strangely if thousands of visitors are converging on that point,” he said in reference to strange results like the aforementioned horses in a Manchester park and the completely still bird and llama. However, he acknowledged that a controlled experiment could perhaps collect enough data to suggest whether there’s something inherently reality-bending about the practice. He posited that two groups could visit randomly decided locations — one by randonauting and the second with another method. “If the first 100 people have more exciting experiences than the other 100 people then you can start investigating whether there is something special about these particular ways of choosing locations,” he said.

But in his view, there’s every chance that everything that has ever occurred — including our interview — has been pre-determined and we’ve just been programmed to be surprised by it all. Per Schmidhuber’s thinking, if this were the case, then what we perceived as randomness was in fact a result of our puny human brains being unable to transcend the sense of perception we’ve been given.


For a better sense of what Schmidhuber’s getting at, consider the one-millionth digit of the number Pi. While that specific digit might appear to be random to us, there are already computer programs which use an algorithm to figure out the pattern at play and place the digit exactly. By this logic, there could very well be an equation we’re unaware of that explains all events that have happened or will happen. He explained, “As long as we don’t have proof that we can’t compress the history of events that describes our universe into a very short program, as scientists we are obliged to keep looking.”

After taking all of this in, I was eager to test out the Randonaut method for myself. One Wednesday afternoon in London, I logged into Telegram, switched my phone’s location on, messaged @Randonaut_bot and, after a brief wait, was returned an “attractor” a short train ride away. It had sent me coordinates north of the Sherlock Holmes Museum near Baker Street station. I had read the whole journey to and from the attractors was part of a larger universe-bending process, and so I kept my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.


This first foray ultimately led me to a street at a slight incline with nothing immediately visible on it. Hidden behind a brick wall was a small courtyard, and on top of my attractor point was a sculpture by Charles Hadcock who had dedicated it to “mathematics, geology, and engineering” — the three practices, I noted, that led me to the spot.

Sharing my discovery shortly afterwards on the Randonaut chat in Telegram, users explained that I had discovered a “data point.” A single point taken on its own, however, is like looking at just one Tarot card. When it comes to solving the mysteries of the universe, patterns and stories tend to emerge when taken together. My new Randonaut friends suggested that I seek out new data points in an attempt to “chain” my attractors.

My second trip led a friend and I to a decidedly less mystical subject: a green shopping bag containing a pair of Nikes, propped up on a Burger King table. We requested another attractor, and this time, the bot led us to a bottle of urine, resting on the ground in front of a shuttered office. I later learned finding piss-bottles is so common that discovering them has become a Randonaut meme. In the Telegram group, someone suggested to me that piss is “entangled with consciousness.” Indeed, there are few things that will make you feel as alive as you do when stumbling across a vessel full of someone else’s bodily fluids.

Heading to our next attractor, we walked from the Leicester Square Burger King towards Carlton Gardens. En route, we passed an outdoor sermon at the Anglican St James’s Church. The moment we sat down, the priest began talking about unknown journeys and divergent paths. Later, the bot pointed us towards a private equity business owned by a member of the Rothschild, the family who basically invented modern banking. A final attempt led us past this unmanned totem to Fidel Castro.

As I reflected upon my journey, I wondered if the universe was suggesting I protest the stranglehold of institutions such as corporations, capital, the church, and the state by dumping piss on all of them. I didn’t need quantum physics to tell me that, though.

After my first expedition, I decided it might help to have a regular Randonaut guide me on my simulation-smashing journey. I got in touch with Keb Frith, a 29-year-old content officer for a mental health charity in London, who had been randonauting for a few months and kindly agreed to accompany me on another trip.

We met outside the British Library and got moving. Our first attractor sent us past Pentonville Road east of King’s Cross, behind the back of Joseph Grimaldi park to the entrance of the Priory Green Estate and the Hugh Cubitt Community Center.

Around the corner was a community library offering free books. We rifled along the spines and discovered titles such as Why Eating BOGEYS Is Good for You, Italian Fever, and To the Ends of the Earth.

Nearby was a mural titled Walls on Walls, by the artist Laurie Nouchka. Keb told me that randonauting had frequently led him towards artwork: on his first trip in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, the attractor pointed towards this subterranean mermaid painting.

Despite living nearby, Keb had never walked past this aquatic fresco.

Back in London, Keb gestured towards a multicoloured bucket, directly where our attractor was located. Resting on top of it was this purple toy gecko.

The next point took us to an office by Hardwick Street. Keb, a braver person than I, suggested we go in, but I insisted that we stay outside. (A tip from Keb: if, like me, you’re worried about having to explain quantum consciousness to the cops while skulking around residential areas, just say you’re looking for your cat. If it’s inside an office, say you’re lost and ask whoever confronts you for directions.)

Finally, we thought we’d swing by the void that we had generated along with the first attractor.

It took us to the garbage in front of this Burger King — my second metaphysics-inspired visit to the fast-food franchise in two days. Keb remarked that it would be a shame if the community was rooted in guerilla marketing for a new kind of chicken sandwich. Later, I reached out to Burger King’s press department to ask if this was the case. Unbelievably, I did not receive a response.

Satisfied-ish, we called it a day. Keb told me these experiences tend to be what you make of them: sometimes there are weird coincidences and cool artwork. At other times, you might be directed to a supermarket, but hey, you might not have picked that lunch otherwise.

“It’s small things like that,” he said. “Learning to appreciate what you’ve got [is] the root of a lot of religious or spiritual quests. Sometimes, a painting of a mermaid at the bottom of your road is cool.” He added, “Even if it is completely random, maybe that shows that the world is slightly more exciting than it first looks, you know?”

Something that struck me about the entire experience was how closely it skirted aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy, in which therapists encourage you to challenge your thoughts, your perceptions, and your default modes of thinking. In my experience, most of all they will encourage a sense of presence.

Whatever you think of the validity of hacking reality or the nature of our possibly deterministic universe, my time randonauting pushed me to pay closer attention to my environment, to stop and notice things, like artwork, signs, symbols, nature, and objects, that I might have otherwise filtered out by default.

Do I understand the theories behind it all? Absolutely not. Do I think I’m challenging a demiurgical Great Programmer, jumping into alternate dimensions or tearing apart the space-time continuum? Probably also not. But my trips, nonetheless, felt imbued by a strangely comforting, esoteric mindfulness. And if only for that reason, I will be randonauting again.





Amour Fou – Folie a Pleasures

The KSTXI Pataphysical Onanastic Guide of The Hermetic hEreCtic DisOrder of the Golden Apple

“In the sphere of mad, elective love, woman, the path of reconciliation between man and nature, is ADORED. The surrealists are, in this particular, modern heirs of the romantics. In fact, women maintain, by their biological composition and millennial social formation, much more expressive than man, a way of life more innocently linked to mystery and magic. The woman’s beauty, a promise of happiness, is a living attempt on the “performance principle” of the affluent society, as well as the emphasizes the frankfurtian Herbert Marcuse in Eros and Civilization. “

Timóteo Pinto, pataphysician post-thinker



Contact Meta-Discordian Post-Neoist Memes Illuminati Cabal



Radio K-oti-K

The Best of Goddesspell Music!


The Elastic Retreat – by DJ Timoteo Pinto

“This show was designed to implant subliminal messages into your subconscious in the form of frequency modulation. Through ambiance of nature, far out music and poetry, your mind becomes transformed without any conscious choice.”


The Ephemeral Man

Wyrd experiments in sound, vision, word, art, life.

Wyrd, Uncanny, Haunt, Electronica, Experimental, Ambient, Psychedelic, Eclectic.








Meta-Discordianism Libraries:

D.I.S.L.I.B. – Discordian Internet Society’s Library of Interesting Books

The Great Library of Eris


Call yourself Timoteo Pinto/Sarah Gulik/Lucretia Dalencourt/Tae Ateh! Do everything in the name of Meta-Discordian-Post-Neoism!

And be an editor on Tudismocroned Network of `Pataphysician Communications. Send an email to minimalista (at) gmail.com with the subject “I also want to conspire on the Tudismocroned Network.”



Join Us!
