Generated visuals for Andras from Goetia using Midjourney from a mix of parsed text description & seal image prompts.

“(63.) Andras. – The Sixty-third Spirit is Andras. He is a Great Marquis, appearing in the Form of an Angel with a Head like a Black Night Raven, riding upon a strong Black Wolf, and having a Sharp and Bright Sword flourished aloft in his hand. His Office is to sow Discords. If the Exorcist have not a care, he will slay both him and his fellows. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and this is his Seal, etc.”—Andras

Norton Classics Goetia Seals Andras

I’ve also created a new Hermeneuticon entry for Andras, to which I’ve started adding images from this experiment. Here’s the first three upscaled images, and three 4up grids of them all.

Hermetic Library Goetia Andras Midjourney 1

Hermetic Library Goetia Andras Midjourney 2

Hermetic Library Goetia Andras Midjourney 3

Hermetic Library Goetia Andras Midjourney 1 4up

Hermetic Library Goetia Andras Midjourney 2 4up

Hermetic Library Goetia Andras Midjourney 3 4up

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