“Kristen Stewart and Oscar Isaac are set to star in Flesh of the Gods, a vampire thriller to be directed by Panos Cosmatos, the filmmaker best known for his hallucinatory 2018 horror movie Mandy. Adam McKay is producing this new feature along with Betsy Koch via the duo’s Hyperobject Industries production company. Isaac is also producing with his partner Gena Konstantinakos via their banner Mad Gene Media. CAA and WME will handle domestic rights sales, with XYZ Films handling international sales at this year’s Marché du Film at Cannes.”—”Kristen Stewart, Oscar Isaac to Star in Vampire Thriller ‘Flesh of the Gods’ for ‘Mandy’ Filmmaker. Adam McKay is among the producers of the feature that will be selling at the Cannes Film Market.”

Flesh of the Gods, dir Panos Cosmatos, by Panos Cosmatos and Andrew Kevin Walker, with Kristen Stewart and Oscar Isaac—”Married couple in 1980s LA leaves luxury life for nightly adventures with enigmatic Nameless and hedonistic group, entering surreal world of excess and violence.”


Kristen Stewart, Oscar Isaac Teaming for Hedonistic ’80s Vampire Thriller ‘Flesh of the Gods’ From ‘Mandy’ Director Panos Cosmatos

Everything We Know About Flesh of the Gods. Kristen Stewart is returning to her vampire roots.”

Hermetic Library Omnium Flesh of the Gods Will Be a Hot Rod Joy Ride Deep Into the Glittering Heart of Hell

Kristen Stewart is Returning to Vampire Flick With Oscar Isaac in Flesh of the Gods The ’80s thriller will be ‘a hot rod joy ride deep into the glittering heart of hell.’“—”Per producers, Flesh of the Gods follows married couple Raoul (Isaac) and Alex (Stewart), who descend each evening from their luxury skyscraper condo and head into the city’s electric nighttime realm. When they cross paths with a mysterious and enigmatic figure known as Nameless and her hard-partying cabal, the pair are seduced into a glamorous, surrealistic world of hedonism, thrills, and violence. Undoubtedly, it’s bound to draw comparison to the divisive David Bowie-starring cult classic The Hunger. “Like Los Angeles itself, Flesh of the Gods inhabits the liminal realm between fantasy and nightmare,” Cosmatos said in a statement. “Both propulsive and hypnotic, Flesh will take you on a hot rod joy ride deep into the glittering heart of hell.” McKay added, “This director, this writer, these incredible actors, vampires, choice ’80s punk, style and attitude for miles… that’s the film we’re bringing you today. We think it’s wildly commercial and wildly artful. Our ambitions are to make a movie that ripples through popular culture, fashion, music and film. Can you tell how excited I am?”” “Flesh of the Gods is set to begin filming later this year.”

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