time marches on!
Howdy everyone! Here’s a public summary of my activity this week ending July 19, 2024 and reminders about some things upcoming!
Full moon in Capricorn and Sun enters Leo this coming week, so time marches on! I mostly did a bunch of work on some of David Richard Jones’ pages, which is not complete but I was recovering pages from both Enochia and Jones’ pages which had variously fallen off the map; some due to the wiki migration and others because I had lazily relied on a wiki engine feature that got recently depreciated and so they were a mess. Still not 100%, but I got a big chunk of it done in a first pass, and simplified things by no longer duplicating those pages across two sections of the site. More to do! (Of course!) But, I did some of it! Huzzah!
And, of course, I did other ongoing work on site, blog, and socials.
Thank you for visiting and being a reader at Hermetic Library. You help me be of service and make the work of the library meaningful. Especial thanks to each and every ongoing Patron on Patreon and other supporters for making the work of the library possible!
Here’s upcoming calendar and astronomical events, plus the daily Thelemic Tephilah practice, for the coming week, July 19–26.
Follow Calendar on the web and rss. And, if you have a current or upcoming event to share, let’s add it to the Hermetic Library Calendar!
Here’s recurring calendar events in Hermeneuticon for this coming week. Also, I’m now posting events from the Hermeneuticon calendar daily, along with Thoth card and Hexagram of the day and Thelemic Tephilah reminders, to all the library’s active socials; so, follow along on your platform of preference for those posting daily.
However, there’s only one thing on the calendar for this coming week!
- Greater Feast of Moina Mathers, Mina Bergson, Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum, died July 25, 1928 at London, United Kingdom
And, check out the posted upcoming calendar events on the blog. I added a couple new this week, but also be sure to look at all the other things still upcoming.
- Swedenborg’s Lusthus: Into the Garden — July 11–December 20, 2024, London, UK
- Witches’ Confluence on “Spiritual Activism” — October 27–30, 2024, online & November 2, 2024, San Francisco, CA, US
- Moon enters Capricorn, July 19, 2024, 08:14 UTC (☉ in
︎, ☾ in
- Full Moon in Capricorn, July 21, 2024, 10:16 UTC (
- Moon enters Aquarius, July 21, 2024, 11:43 UTC (☉ in
︎, ☾ in
- Sun enters Leo, July 22, 2024, 07:45 UTC (☉ in
- Moon enters Pisces, July 23, 2024, 13:23 UTC (☉ in
︎, ☾ in
- Moon enters Aries, July 25, 2024, 14:53 UTC (☉ in
︎, ☾ in
Thelemic Tephilah
Here’s reminders for Thelemic Tephilah daily practice for this upcoming week, from the Hermeneuticon page for the month. Also, remember, I’m now posting Thelemic Tephilah daily, along with Thoth card and Hexagram of the day and events from the Hermeneuticon calendar, on all the library’s active socials, so follow along somewhere you like for those reminders daily.
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 19: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 19-21
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 20: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 22
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 21: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 23-24
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 22: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 25
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 23: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 26-27
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 24: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 28-29
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 25: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 30-33
- Thelemic Tephilah, July 26: Fire, Liber LXV, Cap. IV, 34-37
Things to check out at Hermetic Library
- I added Belial to Norton’s Goetia, and then also Belial in Hermeneuticon with images from this week’s experiment.
- I added The Dobbstown Mirror Vol V No 3 in Serapeion as an item accessioned to the Zine Library
- In Hermeneuticon, I did a little update to Chevalier d’Éon, and posted about one of those images I added last week as this week’s new Iconomancy. I also added entries for The Imaginary Book Company and Three Hands Press; and updated the entry for Caduceus Books. Added a note about Solomon to the entry for On.
- I made a necessary first pass to restore David Richard Jones’ The Center for Enochian Studies, which got mangled when a feature I was lazy enough to rely on in the wiki engine recently got removed. It’s not all there, and what’s there still needs work, but it’s at least sort of readable again. I also switched the links at https://hermetic.com/enochia/indexEnochia, which pointed to duplicates of each, to now point at the ones in Jones’ pages instead; and added redirects on each of those Enochia pages. The appendices aren’t there yet either, but those and the rest I’ll get around to eventually. But, the first pass is done, at least!
And on the blog
All the quotes, reviews, &c. (But not OG, Events Calendar, &c.)
- Library Caturday, 13jul2024
- To Stretch the Liberal Hand — Arts and Letters
- The Dobbstown Mirror, Vol V, No 3 — Zine Library
- Anthology news, 14jul2024
- Final Incal — Review
- “For anyone involved in meditation, I recommend applying these criteria every single day to your practice. If it’s not improving your life, in a way that you can experience relatively quickly, then I recommend switching practices to something that does. Imaginary benefit is no benefit at all.” — Quote
- Chevalier d’Eon by Thomas Stewart, after Jean-Laurent Mosnier, oil on canvas, 1792, NPG 6937 — Iconomancy
- Random shelfie, 17jul2024 — Shelfie
- Belial — Experiment
- “I do not want to father a flock, to be the fetish of fools and fanatics, or the founder of a faith whose followers are content to echo my opinions. I want each man to cut his own way through the jungle.” — Quote
- Sigillo Dei Aemeth — Iconomancy
- Commies from Mars — Review
Also, elsewhere
- Anthology news, 14jul2024 [Itch/Public, Bandcamp/Followers]
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