“233-D 4-D + AntiGrav is the New World of Light AntiMatter Revenage Theoretics Evolution, Eternity, the Cyrospher, Time-Space M/S/T and Quantized anti-cube, 4 corner harmonic Days + 1 day as singularity, with EVOL/Cant/Vort (SUN, LIT/DARK/LIGHT, EVEN-ODD, GRADES OF MARTIAN TIME AND GRAV, THE HARMONIC BLUE LIGHT OF OMORI, THE ORION STAR SYSTEM EVENT COMM MESMER), The Anti-Fracturate-Ray-Fracture Unified Quantitative Fractal A/S, TOPSIC, 11:11, 6.1, 2Pac/Osho Mama Thought, Neuro-Rythm A/S and Evolutionary Entropic/CosMix/CsRV. 8. ☸/3 (SQU3D), ⌊ 8 ⌋, PEER 2, REBIRTH/ETERNL, O2L, C+U, SUPER-REAL PHI-2 (S/W), and so on, on, on. This has been a public service announcement from The nick rand Institute.” -John Kim Hisola (Owner of nick rand Institute).

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