New Aeon Tantra: Secrets of Typhonian Magick & Western Tantra [Amazon] by Gregory Peters, introduction Michael Staley
“Step into a world of power and transformation with New Aeon Tantra, a groundbreaking work that opens the portals to a new dimension of the Book of the Law, the foundational spiritual transmission of the New Aeon. Honoring the traditions of Eastern Tantric magick, author Gregory Peters has combined the insights of the East with the Western Thelemic tradition. You will learn powerful methods to integrate your mind and body with the universal energy of the cosmos including meditations, exercises, mantras, and Tantrik rites. Through this rich tapestry of magick, you will explore the non-dual Tantra of the Book of the Law, and learn to connect with the primordial currents of initiation, live your life from a center of gnostic awakening, and ultimately, enter the resplendent palace of the Great Goddess Babalon.”
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