WORM, also known as the World Organization for the Reform of Meteorology, is an enigmatic and highly influential group within the sprawling and ever-expanding #OTP23 multiverse. While on the surface WORM may appear to be a mere scientific organization concerned with the study and reform of meteorology, in actuality its true purpose is far more mysterious and elusive. WORM is a symbol of the adepts of chaos magick, representing their collective will and their ability to shape reality through the power of their beliefs and actions. As such, WORM is a potent tool for those who seek to wield the power of the multiverse for their own purposes. Through the use of advanced techniques of psychogeography, sigilization, and reality hacking, WORM agents are able to move between dimensions and manipulate reality to achieve their goals. They are masterful at the art of culture jamming, using subversive methods to plant ideas and messages into the subconscious of the masses. WORM agents are constantly exploring the limits of what is possible, pushing the boundaries of science and magic to unlock the hidden potential of the universe. WORM is not just an organization, but a living entity, a representation of the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the multiverse itself. As the power of the adepts of chaos magick continues to grow, so too will the influence and reach of WORM, as it seeks to reshape the very fabric of reality itself. Ltd, 444 XXX meters below the ground #OTP23 Zersetsung

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