Hermetic Library Iconomancy Jones Achad the Anatomy of the Body of God Prismatic Tree

“Malkuth in the Center, nearest to us, with the Triple Path, or Plane, of the “Hierophant” some distance above. These would be connected by the triple Paths of Beth-Daleth, Mercury-Venus, or “The Magician-Empress.”

Thus, in every instance, would the “pairs of opposites” be truly mated and resolved into a unified triplicity, in three dimensions.

The accompanying Plate shows the whole “Prismatic Tree” with its 13 Spheres and 36 Paths, quite clearly. The whole number is 49, which again returns to Unity as 13. 49 also represents the square of seven, and the Hebrew Word for “Solvé” (See plate “C” and study carefully.)”—

See Chapter VIIThe Anatomy of the Body of GodThe Qabalistic and Thelemic Works of Frater AchadHermetic Library

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