I love listening to @rushkoff and I love listening to @TimHarford … could @teamhumanshow facitatw a conversation?
I love listening to @rushkoff and I love listening to @TimHarford … could @teamhumanshow facitatw a conversation?Powered by WPeMatico
I love listening to @rushkoff and I love listening to @TimHarford … could @teamhumanshow facitatw a conversation?Powered by WPeMatico
#weeklygem #fromthebookshelf @rushkoff Powered by WPeMatico
I’m Not an Optimist | Douglas Rushkoff docs.google.com/document/d/1… Powered by WPeMatico
If our civilization or perhaps even our species is doomed, let’s at least enact something closer to mutual palliative care than a descent into paranoid fantasies of individual survival through…
“Even the most beneficial #AI is still being measured in terms of its ability to provide #utility, #value or increase in #efficiency – fine values, sure, but not the only…
Yes, we need to start the discussion with our dream of what creation we can imagine with such an open platform. The rest falls out from there. This is what…
Whatever I think about our likelihood of evading global catastrophe, the steps I would take to prevent it are the same ones I would take to prepare for it. rushkoff.medium.com/45e263df……
I look forward to reading your new book about the billionaire technophile mindset when it comes out!Powered by WPeMatico
Why Kinship? Opening session excerpts with @storyforager @52Flowers @JeremyRLent Next week: The Politics of Relationship, with @rushkoff & @brontevelez & Justine Epstein piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=9FmoJckP… Powered by WPeMatico
Just finished this and loved it. My favorite was the conformation bias analogy David had & the end when you ask about a bit more of a psychedelic approach to…