R to @Mikeybay64: Need more ways to give creators more freedom In gematria, the conversion between the letters of the alphabet and their place values in said alphabet, g is 7, o is 15, d is 4. These are factors of 420. You tell me. Cross breed lavender mangos and gg4

Need more ways to give creators more freedom In gematria, the conversion between the letters of the alphabet and their place values in said alphabet, g is 7, o is…

R to @Mikeybay64: If I had friends I would cry Dio says wryyy Dinosaurs + floorboards = panpsychism popping off tho ngl Ngl is the most important acronym I’ve ever known Muda, aspiring stoic says shock gum, broken and rehealed bones, jack off to tigress in the meanwhile Vaporeon new fav 8-gram

If I had friends I would cry Dio says wryyy Dinosaurs + floorboards = panpsychism popping off tho ngl Ngl is the most important acronym I’ve ever known Muda, aspiring…

R to @Mikeybay64: Me when I have to lie about having tulpas because I switched to colemak and am no longer sure i have training wheels because typing on a phone is A. Production of new information (ℹ️) B. Is this a fucking emoticon :y Id bi iq pi, daba dee daba die. Felicity of phrase brevity wit

Me when I have to lie about having tulpas because I switched to colemak and am no longer sure i have training wheels because typing on a phone is A.…

R to @Mikeybay64: Cloud people say Lavender + mango + gg4 = new terpene Terpene diterpene salvinorin a thc Dragon stripper r&m entheogen entactogen empathogen `°~S (ignature) Father time Mother earth Causality means forwards party Equator could have more buildings on it. Would be dope

Cloud people say Lavender + mango + gg4 = new terpene Terpene diterpene salvinorin a thc Dragon stripper r&m entheogen entactogen empathogen `°~S (ignature) Father time Mother earth Causality means…

R to @Grimezsz: Imagine she had 3 tulpas and 4 nueralink channels, would be a badass new world order leader, god bless the annunaki and their children, amenyallulah 💜p🧡o💚g :y How many children are named poggers right now Need to check database

Imagine she had 3 tulpas and 4 nueralink channels, would be a badass new world order leader, god bless the annunaki and their children, amenyallulah 💜p🧡o💚g :y How many children…