Essay drifted
“In 2046, nyx’s telling becomes true, somewhat that is. After the long effect of the feminizing techno-capital that she has been talking about for like a while now, something changed.…
“In 2046, nyx’s telling becomes true, somewhat that is. After the long effect of the feminizing techno-capital that she has been talking about for like a while now, something changed.…
Under false-inversed despotism, as a act of unkindness, oligarcic bottom-up(?) copybanning begins due to the effect of theismizion of musical artists/bands in the “canon”. Canon mean that such a object…
Everything will be real, well, it’s both “will” and “is” due to the c-point UD tread graph of events and the act of the hypersition itself. Dr. K is the…
As in non-musical EAI virus (virus23, Roko’s basilisk and GPL), to such the musical EAI virus (weezer) spreads using memetics and plunder copy-rewriting (such as siivagunner). Cuture-made Tim3 goes into…
James: What is the M-repestion-loop part of Mmmmeltdown for? Land: Your mom submitted by /u/James-Carlon Powered by WPeMatico
There is this “ego-truthize the people ” mentality from the old dead philosophy that keeps expanding into ideas near it. “Mr Man has the truth! Ego is hyperized!” they yell…
It’s all more like the time end auto-maker that time made when the hypertime from the 5d game of hyper-online user timeline control-roller. rick (a multi-use ideaitemname in this L1…
Write it in an email and you will be here with me. All writern writed. All writes. Idea of all is nothing but anti-ego. NYX YOU AREN’T FUNNYING. submitted by… (Been working on this essay for a while now, One of my longest work yet). submitted by /u/James-Carlon Powered by WPeMatico
2050s Is the next 1970s or 2010s. The time where I can be happy. yog-sothoth under galdrux, galdrux under the blue album, the blue album under weezer’s multi-bodies ideaic-connected hands.…