The Beheading Game: Unearthing the Occult Mysteries of the Celtic Cult of the Head [Amazon, Publisher] by Briar, part of the Guides to the Underworld series

Briar the Beheading Game

“In The Beheading Game: Unearthing the Occult Mysteries of the Celtic Cult of the Head, Briar investigates the theurgic and thaumaturgic applications of this cult from an occult perspective.

Archaeological traces and remnants of what has been dubbed a Celtic ‘cult of the head’ have fascinated and puzzled scholars for many years. In The Beheading Game: Unearthing the Occult Mysteries of the Celtic Cult of the Head, Briar investigates the theurgic and thaumaturgic applications of this cult from an occult perspective. By examining the ritual significance of severed heads and headlessness in the context of what she identifies to be a broader ‘Beheading Game’ as it relates to the pan-Celtic Cult of the Head, she discusses how ‘the Celts’ saw in the head the seat of the immortal soul, drawing from academic research, atavistic experience, and acute personal gnosis to delve deep into the roles of the severed head permeating Celtic lore.”

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