Media, Memes, and Metagames
by Eris OmniqueryThese videos were created over a period of 4 years via an improvisational memetic engineering process. This process involved sometimes hundreds of ours of free rambles on the internet in various places, contextualizing and re-contextualizing video references until a video felt “right” and essentially made itself, self-organizing out of the discourse. They are a personal reflection of my journey through postmodern hell and out of it to the pancreativist horizon. Id’ consider them every bit as important as this document because they are a narrative expression of the same thing, comprised of segments of narratives stitched together to create memetic chimera.
More MetagamesEmerging Memetic Singularity in the Global Knowledge Society
Autonym from Futureculture.
The Legendary Discordian Pataphysician Timoteo Pinto
A Call To Weirdness – Operation D.I.S.T.A.N.C.E.
Mermeticism and the Post-Truth Mystic